Is JRDG also a superior price performer for a ‘real world’ system?
Rowland products are all exceptional price-performers. The new class A/B Model 625 stereo power amplifier and the Corus preamplifier for example, both deliver musical refinement simply unheard at any price. The JRDG exceptional ‘real world’ price-performance story continues with t ...
Are Jeff Rowland power amplifiers analog or digital devices?
all Rowland amplifiers, regardless of their class of operation, function completely in the analog domain, including the Model 625 stereo amplifier, which operates in class A/B.
Is the hallmark Jeff Rowland musicality solid-state-like, or does it sound like ‘tubes?’
The hallmark JRDG musicality cannot be slotted into a simple category, be it solid state (SS), tube-like, or otherwise. It brings together power, staging, imaging, and control, with an incredible extension devoid of hotspots and suck outs, subtlety and transparency, into a seamless musical whol ...
What can you do if, after searching the JRDG FAQ and consulting your JRDG authorized dealer, you still cannot find the answer you are looking for?
If neither your JRDG dealer nor this FAQ facility can answer your questions about JRDG, our technologies, or our products, please do contact us for a prompt response. We may even add your question and our answer to the FAQ itself. Please send us an email message at: mailto:service@jeffrowlan ...
"Il silenzio tra le note" by Paulo Aruini
Paolo Arduini Audioreview n. 175 Parlando di mercato dell’audio, di tendenze tecnologiche e di politiche commerciali (che in effetti costituiscono sempre di più il vero motore della storia dell’audio) ci si dimentica spesso che la passione e il coinvolgimento emotivo rappresen ...
"Metal Man" by Mark Fleichmann
He is more than just the designer of one of the world’s best amplifiers. Jeff Rowland is the personification of all that is good about high-end audio. Likewise, his amplifiers and preamps are not merely the products of a tiny company in Colorado – they embody the loftiest ideals, the ...
"Silence Please" by Jeffery Tan
Amidst the din of more power and dynamics, Jeff Rowland strives to restore some quiet in music reproduction. He talks to Jeffrey Tan. IN MANY WAYS, JEFF ROWLAND amplifiers reflect the designer himself. After all, Rowland believes that designing audio equipment should be no different from any oth ...
How has Jeff Rowland remained a true pioneer of the High End audio industry for a quarter century?
For 25 years, Jeff Rowland has established a hallmark reputation for his unsurpassed engineering artistry, for designing and manufacturing products that have consistently mustered the test of time, but also for blazing the path in the high end audio industry with trend setting technical innovati ...
How does Jeff Rowland blaze the path as a true leader in the High End Audio industry?
At a time when the evolution of traditional amplification designs has slowed to a stately pace, Jeff Rowland blazes the trail in the High End audio industry instead. He has embraced a winning combination of innovative technologies which together form a road “least travelled” and con ...
What is Active Power factor Correction (PFC)
Active Power factor Correction (PFC) is a key component of Jeff Rowland’s advanced multi tier front end engineering strategy for reference grade amplification products. Not only Rowland is the World’s 1st designer to introduce PFC to high end power amplification with the Model 12 in ...
Symmetrically Balanced Power Amplification
Jeff Rowland is the 1st to introduce symmetrically balanced high power amplification to High End audio. Rowland has been championing the use of this topology ever since 1984, when he introduced the JRDG Model 7M monoblock amplifier, whose late versions constituted the very 1st high end audio po ...
Ultra fast, Ultra Quiet and Super Low Distortion TI Burr Brown
Jeff Rowland is the 1st designer to apply the ultra fast, ultra quiet and super low distortion TI Burr Brown OPA1632 fully differential I/O audio amplifier modules in a high end audio product. The superior electrical characteristics and exceedingly high density of the module allows him to impl ...
Rechargeable Battery Powered Amplification
In 1992, Jeff Rowland introduced his Model 9 monoblock amplifier flagship, the world’s 1st high power amplifier to sport twin external rechargeable battery power supplies. Ever since, Jeff continues to refine rechargeable battery DC power supplies and their application to reference grade a ...
Remote Control Transmitters
While remote control devices have been used in the consumer electronic industry for decades, they are relatively latecomers to High End audio preamplification. In 1989 Jeff Rowland introduced the Consonance, the World’s 1st reference grade preamplifier to sport a full function infrared rem ...
Regulated Switching Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)
Jeff Rowland is the first high end audio equipment designer to incorporate extremely quiet, fully regulated, and blazingly nimble switching mode power supplies in truly high end stereo amplifiers, like the Model 10 stereo amplifier and the Model 12 monoblock power amplifier released in 1999. S ...
Has Jeff Rowland returned to traditional solid state designs?
Jeff Rowland simply does not believe in following traditional paths: the new Model 625 class A/B stereo power amplifier for example, is a stunning achievement that combines a highly regulated switch mode power supply (SMPS) designed for the aerospace industry with an active Power Factor Correcti ...
How is the Jeff Rowland sound evolving?
Jeff Rowland has sought musical truth through his leading design work for the last 25 years. Rowland pushes the state of the technological art, not as a sterile goal by itself, but as a means of raising the artistry of the possible in reproduction of musical beauty, while remaining consistent wi ...
I love the classic Rowland sound. Is the current JRDG sound as compelling?
The classic JRDG sound, with its great ease, grainless musicality, hallmark staging and imaging, and its tremendous authority, is more than ever alive and thriving in Jeff Rowland’s newest achievements. The soul of his magnificent sound imbues the stunning Rowland Model 625 class A/B stere ...
Why we have created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Jeff Rowland Design?
Over the years we have realized that our customers, our dealers, and discriminating audio enthusiasts the world over, want to learn so much more about Jeff Rowland Design. Starting with our history, continuing with our leadership in the High End audio industry, on to our stunning products with t ...